Sunday, April 8, 2007

Paradise Lost Books 10-12

The visions Adam sees in Paradise Lost cause him to declare: "Better had I lived ignorant of future, so had borne my part of evil only, each day's lot enough to bear!" (Book 11, lines 763-765). A part of me has always wanted to know what the future has in store, but I'm not sure if that is wise. I wouldn't necessarily want to avoid making "bad" decisions because some choices I have made that might seemed to be unwise, have shaped and molded me into the person I am today. Since I don't know what lies ahead, I admit I am confused at how my life should be. At this time, I'm thinking about what I will do after college. Should I continue on with my schooling and pursue a career? Perhaps at this time, I need to concentrate upon other areas of my life that would challenge me and allow me to grow in other ways, but I don't think I should wait for something that might never be. Adam had that knowledge and wished he had not known what lay ahead for him and his sons. I don't believe his knowledge eased his pain, but only created more. I wouldn't choose to look in any crystal ball even if it might make things easier now. Life has so much pain; I have no desire to anticipate the anguish I have to look forward to.

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